This is my family of swans I see regularly outside my kitchen window on my boat – it’s lovely to have watched the cygnets gradually lose their darker feathers and grow into beautiful swans! And since swans are known to mate for life, I thought this would be a fitting pic for today’s Conversation for Valentines!

It’s not about the dishes ….

What’s not I suspect you’re wondering?

Well, last week I came across a blog post that resonated so much with me that I decided to share it with you. It caught my attention as it was entitled “she divorced me because I left dishes by the sink“. At first that might seem like the most ridiculous statement to make, but bear with me.

Sadly, the author wasn’t joking about the divorce, but what he went on to describe reminded me so much about why I do the work that I do, and why having a “different conversation” is so important.

The interesting twist is that the author is a man talking about his relationship and wishing to share – in a, what I find, an extremely humorous way, what he’s learnt from his experiences.

There are two big highlights in this post relating to better communications between the sexes that form the basis of my nudging, and I bang on a lot about!

1 The differences between how men and women think – yes, we’re all equal but, IMHO, we’re not and can never be the same. And to be even more precise, I’m not talking about gender i.e. being male or female, I’m talking about masculine and feminine energy and how we process information and can view things entirely differently. In my experience, not getting this lies at the root of more misunderstandings and pointless arguements than almost anything else.

2 A signal to have a different conversation – when either partner seems fed up, distant, angry and makes it all about the “dishes” – and this becomes a regular pattern that just keeps on showing up again and again, leading to the same old discussions and problems – it’s a signal to have a different conversation about what’s really going on beneath that. And it’s usually never about the dishes as the post highlights so well!

Here’s the full post.

What do you think?

I’m undertaking my own straw poll on this at the minute and would love to know what you think! I promise to share the findings in a future post!

I hope this prompts some different conversations over this Valentine’s weekend!

Make it a good one!