I hope the New Year has got off to a good start for you, and you’re continuing to feel the benefit of the festive break.

I’m well aware that could be a case of famous last words, as I’m already speaking with people who are back into the usual busyness, and already feeling the stress.

So, in thinking about my New Year nudge, I wanted to share a reflection about creating more time, and yes I have found it’s possible!

There’s always an easier time to do something

This one thing probably sounds so simple, but has made the world of difference to me and the people I work with. And a good example of this is writing this nudge. Yesterday, no matter how long I sat at the computer, the words were just not coming. And the more I overthought things, the more frustrated I felt.

Today, having decided to leave it alone and come back to it, various ideas came to mind, and the words are just flowing.

It’s only me putting the pressure on

Since it’s rarely a life or death situation, I’ve come to see it’s only ever me who is putting myself under pressure to get something done by a certain time and in a certain way. I’d got this idea yesterday that it was ‘blue Monday’ so that would be a good hook to hang my nudge on. But the more I thought about it the more I thought that discussing a made up idea – turns out Blue Monday is just a marketing ploy that a travel company came up with to get us to book holidays (who knew…) – didn’t feel very helpful!

Expanding time by just starting

Expanding time as I’ve come to see it on the other hand felt like a useful nudge! And the way I’ve found this works is that there’s the thing that you want to do or needs doing, and then there’s all the thinking you can have about it. Whereas if you just get started there’s a natural momentum that builds, and before you know it the thing is done, which saves so much time.

Follow your energy

And when you don’t feel like it, I’ve found it’s pretty pointless forcing yourself. As I said above, there’s always a time when your energy levels lift, or something naturally shifts or comes to mind, that just puts you back in the flow of taking action.

Alternatively, you can do what my sister calls JFDI… the polite version of which is just do it! This gets a whole lot easier when you’re living more in your life and less in your thoughts!

That’s my nudge to help create more time in 2022, and I hope you find it helpful. Don’t take my word for it, just notice what happens when you allow yourself to show up to life and follow where your energy takes you – it not only saves so much time, but makes for a much nicer way to live.

All the best for now


PS If you feel time starved then make this the year when you do something different. There’s a way to reduce your stress levels and expand your time without having to change or do anything extra, and I’d love to share that with you so you experience more sustainable peace of mind, wellbeing and joy in 2022. You can start now with my free insights series for ‘Living in the Flow’ a good introduction to the understanding I share.