What a year this has been … or as a meme doing the rounds on social media put it on a photo for the Queen’s speech “Well, where do we (______fill in the blank) start?”

Last night, my Ma, sister and I started with a round of counting our blessings. The first things that came to mind, in no particular order, were:

Freedom to make choices, loving family who we are happy to spend time with, homes with comfy beds and running water, food and drink, our health, and the ability to learn and experience new things.

I thought it was so interesting that if the current times have taught us anything, it is to be consciously appreciative of what really matters, and what I know, I for one, can sometimes take for granted.

This was especially front of mind having seen the queues of hauliers and lorry drivers stuck in Dover here in the UK unable to leave their cabs, or have access to basic facilities. My heart really does go out to them and their families, as well as all families that are unable to be with their loved ones this Christmas.

Two other reflections come to mind, which I feel are big pluses to be grateful for.

1 The slowing down of our usually hectic, busy, fast paced lives

I’ve come to know for a long while now that the less sped up our thinking is internally the calmer life looks on the outside, whatever is occurring. And the benefits to that are countless. Not least the more I spend time in the present – and I mean really in the present moment – rather than caught up in past events, or future predicting, the easier it is to navigate the current constant change and challenges with greater ease and grace.

2 Seeing the incredible resilience in people

I share a lot in my work about the innate wellbeing and resilience that naturally resides in all of us, and cannot be taken away.

Seeing the unbreakable human spirit at work in the many acts of kindness and caring that have been shown in so many communities and across all walks of life, gives me cause to feel hopeful rather than downbeat.

At the same time, that is not to downplay in any way the very real challenges and fears people have. If there’s another thing I’ve learnt this year, it’s the difference that acknowledging these can make to people. And the importance of listening … to give people a chance to share their feelings about both the ups and downs they’re going through. Not to change or fix them, just to really listen and be there for them.

So, those are my reflections for now. Here’s to happy, and peaceful holidays wherever you are, and whoever you are with. I look forward to seeing you on the other side.