A couple of weeks ago my sister and I spent a wonderful weekend visiting friends in Amsterdam. We were really lucky to be there while the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens were open, and it was the most magical experience … a little of which I’ve tried to capture above and below!

If felt very strange to be travelling, and made me think of how much life has been put on hold these past couple of years. And how easy it can be to live more in your thoughts about life than actually living life. And all the more so when life feels tough and challenging such as current world events, which are occupying all of our minds at the moment….

Living more in your life and less in your thoughts

It was a big revelation to me when I saw there’s a world of difference between living in our lives and living in our thoughts about life. And I’ve come to see that life often lives us far better than our imagination often serves us.

Living in the moment and showing up to life as it happens is so much kinder than getting caught up in our thoughts about what we think has gone before, or what we think might happen in the future.

Getting more comfortable with insecure thinking

Once I saw that I’m always living in the experience of my moment to moment thinking about whatever is going on in my life, l got a lot more comfortable with insecure thinking. I saw that the more stirred up my thoughts were, the more insecure thinking would likely creep in – especially when I had a lot of thinking going on! Just knowing that’s all it is – insecure thinking in the moment – can be enough to settle our thoughts and drop back into the present moment, which has a quieter, more spacious feel to it. I saw that it was pointless to ‘stir the pot’ because when my mind settled down, any insecure thinking would disappear.

So my nudge for Easter is just to check in with yourself and see if you’re living a little too much in your thoughts rather than in your life, and to see the difference just noticing that makes.

Wishing you a relaxing and peaceful Easter holidays.

All the best for now


PS If you’d like to explore what life can be like living more in your life and less in your thoughts, then do consider joining The Miraculous Book Club. Run virtually over 8 weeks, it’s a chance to take a step back and experience freedom from worry and stress once and for all. Just click on the link to read more about it, and see how others benefited from taking part last year.

Living vs thinking