Personal thoughts v innate wisdom

This pic was taken on a glorious walk in the sunshine by the River last week. I spied this string of boats, and it made me think of a string of personal thoughts, and how each boat might represent a different emotion … but how all of the boats were riding on the same neutral River, which has no judgement.

Remembering that we all have access to that same neutrality or wisdom of mind underneath all and any personal thinking can be so comforting and uplifting!

We all know that life has its ups and downs, and that the downs can feel so very real while they’re occurring. But whether we’re having good or bad days, the River is still flowing underneath. And that’s always the case no matter how much we can get caught up in the weeds of our thinking to continue the analogy!

It’s something I’ve come to see as a universal truth, rather than a personal belief or idea. And the more I look in the direction of us all having access to this innate wisdom and wellbeing, part of our true nature, the more lovely life feels.


Living in the flow

Hence my term you’ll hear me use a lot ‘living in the flow’. Or put another way, living in the flow of life and less in our thoughts. Because when we are, we’re living from that quieter space of no thought within us. Like when you find yourself just being in the moment, or immersed in whatever it is you’re doing unconscious of anything else. THAT moment when you look at the clock and can’t believe where the time went.


Thoughts are no more real on bad days than good

With this understanding, I’ve come to see that thoughts are no more real on bad days than on good. Of course, nicer thoughts create nicer feelings. But they are simply a way that we humans have to experience life. We have no control over any thought in the moment it occurs.Thoughts will come and go regardless of whatever might be going on in our lives. I’ve yet to meet anyone who can tell me what their next thought is likely to be!?

Seeing that all our experience is created through thought, and not our circumstances, and that it’s thought that creates feelings in us – good or bad – has meant I have an entirely different relationship with my thoughts these days.

Left alone, personal thoughts will just naturally pass through, even the bad feeling ones, leaving room for fresh thought to come in. Seeing that transitory nature of thought, and knowing that nothing can ever touch the River of innate wellbeing and wisdom underneath all thoughts, frees me up from having to do very much about them, and makes for a much nicer way to experience life.

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the sunshine if you’re in the UK!


PS Often when I’m sharing about this understanding, people can get hung up on the words I’m using, or try to analyse what I’m saying. Of course, this just creates more noise in their headspace! Rather, my hope as you read this nudge is for you to see what occurs from your own wisdom in the moment … for you to get your own insights, which can feel more like a ring of truth rather than intellectual thought. I’m currently planning a webinar, working title ‘Living More of the Time in a Good Feeling‘ so we can share our insights and you can ask any questions you might have. We’ll be able to enjoy a conversation from the comfort of our own homes, so if you’d like to join me then do hit reply and I’ll keep you posted.


If you’d like to experience a different relationship with your thoughts then I share more in my Living in the Flow 7 day mini series of ‘nudges’. Just click on the link to receive the first one. This understanding has made the world of difference when it comes to replacing worry, anxiety and stress with a much greater peace and freedom of mind. But don’t take my word for it, check them out and see what rings true for you.