I hope you had a lovely break, and the new year has got off to a good start for you.

I’m sharing my new year message in the pic above, which I love! Taken from the cover of a little notebook I was given for Christmas* … it just feels so much lighter than the heaviness of resolutions or goals.

Happy new decade! That sounds both wonderfully exciting and a little unbelievable to me that we are now in the year 2020!?

So far I’ve managed not to get too caught up in any usual busyness in this first week. In fact, I was thinking today how nice it would be to live more in that ‘Friday’ feeling, and how these days I spend so much more of my time doing just that.

Invitation to the Miraculous Book Club

This year, my dream is to help more people to experience that too. And, as I mentioned in my last nudge, I’ve written a little e.book to share some BIG insights to help bring that about.

So, this is your invitation to take part in the Miraculous Book Club, which I’m launching.

First some quick background. I previously ran a group programme called ‘100 Days to Create Something Miraculous’. We had a wonderful time exploring how to engage in a more lighthearted way with something we’d love to create.

But the main premise was for me to share insights into a new understanding of how we work, which sees people experiencing way less stress and worry, and instead enjoying far greater freedom and peace of mind.

The e.book shares the insights into this new understanding that we experienced, and that have made the world of difference to the people I work with and me. I’ve called it ‘Miraculous Change – 15 Miracle nudges to More Effortlessly Make the Changes You Want in Your Life’. Because the more I looked in a different direction for how we create our experience, the more miraculous life started to feel.

The Miraculous Book Club will run just like a usual book club, but will be virtual! It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new understanding of the way we tick. To put both your intellect and all your preconceived concepts or ideas about yourself to one side and engage with a completely open mind.

You’ll find all the details at a private page when you click on the link below and enter the password BOAT. And if it talks to you, even if just in a quiet whisper, my hope is you’ll follow that inner nudge and join us.


If you have any questions at all, please do just ask and I’ll come back to you.

Really hoping this strikes a chord, and look forward to hearing from you.

Here’s to living more in that ‘Friday’ feeling!

All the very best


PS Life is short and time is precious, hence my dear wish to share these insights into an easier way of living and being and navigating our way in the world. I am also conscious that 2019 was a tough one for many so if you are struggling at the minute, my hope is you’ll consider this invitation to gain some new perspectives going into this new year for experiencing a different relationship with your thoughts.

PPS For those of you who have already signed up, please just click on the link and follow the next steps – can’t wait to get going!


(*Created by @rosiemadeathing)