I’m sitting here thinking where on earth did January go …? Conscious it’s nearly the end of the month, and I haven’t sent out my usual Happy New Year nudge. It feels almost strange to be saying happy 2021 in the current times when life must feel far from happy for so many … but I’d like to say it anyway, and I do hope you’re doing as well as possible.

Message for our times

I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve been noticing during lockdown, and found myself drawn back to a previous nudge I’d written entitled 7 Life Lessons from My Nan.

I find it really interesting that her life lessons from so long ago read almost like a message for our times, and I hope you find them as helpful as I do.

The importance of listening is the big lesson for me. Both in terms of being really present and listening in my work, or to my friends and family.

And also listening better to those quieter nudges in me when my mind starts to get stirred up. To do nothing then, but rather take a breather and wait for the mood or moment to pass. Then see what occurs to me to do next from that calmer headspace, which I’m noticing turns out to be just right for the decision or issue at hand.

I wonder how you’re experiencing life right now, and which lessons resonate most with you? Would love to hear if you had a moment to share.

Have a good rest of your day and warmest, best wishes for now.


PS Since it is a New Year, here’s a A Conversation about Procrastination if your intentions are already going a little awry!

PPS And if you’d enjoy some conversations to reflect on these times, and experience a whole new relationship with your thoughts for an easier 2021, then I’d love you to check out my Book Club Challenge. You can get a taste of what’s in store by reading Chapter one of my e.book, just click on the link below.