It’s been a while since my last nudge, and I hope life’s as good as possible in the current times. I can’t believe Easter is around the corner, and we’re still only now gradually coming out of lockdown in the UK!?

A question came to me this morning on the back of hearing the phrase ‘outsourcing our wellbeing’, and I wanted to send a nudge about it, partly to share what I see, and partly to get your take on it through a quick straw poll.

And the question is:

Where do you think your wellbeing resides?”

With all the current talk about the inevitability of a mental health pandemic following on the back of the physical one, the answer to that question feels so important.

For me, I’ve come to see that our wellbeing is innate, resides inside me and cannot be damaged, or taken away, by anything external. And because of that I see we all have a natural resilience we can count on, which doesn’t depend on outside circumstances having to change or look a certain way.

That’s not to say I’m disregarding, or don’t appreciate, all the very real struggles and pain and loss that so many people have, and are still going through, on a daily basis. It just means coming from that perspective on life gives me the feeling of always standing on solid ground. And from that place, life feels lighter and easier and more hopeful than it otherwise might.

The implications of this are huge. Because if I imagine that my wellbeing lies somewhere outside of me my approach to life would be so different. And believe you me it was very different when I used to live in a world that x, y z had to happen before I felt okay. Or I could only feel happy when someone else changed or behaved a different way…all of which I think the phrase ‘outsourcing our wellbeing’ seems to imply.

So, I’ve created a quick straw poll below, and I’m really interested to hear your thoughts on this question, and any insights that come to mind for you when you think about your own wellbeing. Just click here with your chosen response. (It goes without saying, all responses will be treated in confidence.)

Question: “Where do you think your wellbeing resides?”

Answer: A inside me
B externally
C not sure
D other (please describe)

Please share any thoughts or insights that come to mind for you when you think about this question, or your own wellbeing. And if you have any questions, ask away and I’ll come back to you. I really appreciate your help, and thanks so much.

I’ll be sure to feedback what I find in a future nudge.

I look forward to hearing from you, and have a great weekend.

All the best
