If you haven’t got a clue what you’d really like to be doing, the following are 5 tips to help you start a different conversation with yourself!

Keep a log of what you enjoy doing

Keep a log for one week of all the things you love to do or are naturally drawn to. Things you get excited about and really enjoy. Include everything you can think of, including things that you’re interested in, books or films you like, sport you enjoy, people you love seeing and what it is that you particularly like about them, places you enjoy going, day to day things you like doing as opposed to those things that you put off or push to the bottom of your ‘to do’ list.

Make a list of what you’re good at

Make a list of all the things that you, or other people, think you are really good at. Include the things that you find easy to do without really having to give them much thought. Think about all your abilities and personality traits that enable you to do specific things or sail through particular occasions with ease.

Your ideal day

Think about what an ideal day would look like for you. Who would be with you? Where would you be? What would you be doing? And suspend all thoughts of time or money being an issue. Really picture your perfect day, including anything and everything from working in your ideal job or running your own business, meeting people you admire – famous or otherwise, dead or alive – being elsewhere or abroad and, if so, where, in a town, a village, near the sea and so on. Really let your imagination go and think in terms of anything being possible.

Happy times

Look back over your life so far and think about all the times when you felt really happy, or moments when everything just seemed to slot into place. What was happening? What were the specific things that made those times so special?


When you decide to give yourself a treat, or someone says they’d like to treat you to something, what immediately springs to mind? What would you be doing and what makes that a treat for you?