What might this award winning film have to do with ‘nudging’ you might well ask? Not only is the Kings Speech a very good film, it highlighted beautifully what can be achieved when an individual experiences the undivided support of another person helping them to overcome a problem, or achieve something they never thought possible.

I’d urge everyone to see the film not only for a host of reasons from the well written script to the sublime acting from the main characters – but to experience a brilliant example of, what I call, ‘nudging’ – having a different conversation with yourself – at its very best. In the case of the film, for those of you who haven’t seen it, the coach in question was a speech therapist who worked with Britain’s King George VI to help him overcome his stammering, and enable him to cope with public speaking. He had a love of speech and drama and, although no formal training, a total belief in the King’s own ability to overcome his stammer – if he was willing to take the necessary action. And this illustrates so well a fundamental principle of my form of life coaching, the belief that people have all the necessary resources inside them to make the changes they want.

Sharing practical strategies

The speech therapist used his own strategies to help the King, based on his instinct and experience of working with people. This was all the more necessary since the King had resolutely refused to view his stammer as anything more than a mechanical problem. The strategies took the form of often humourous exercises, and asking particular questions to provoke thought, which quickly revealed where the basis for the King’s stammer lay. He then supported the King, gently nudging him on to keep motivated on his journey.

I won’t spoil the story for you if you haven’t seen the film, but this is where it highlights other valuable principles of why having an independent person to facilitate a different conversation with you can really change things. It gives people the chance to feel really listened to by someone who knows exactly the right questions to ask at the right time, and to experience new, practical strategies you can use immediately to see much faster change and success than continuing to struggle on on your own.

And it’s a wonderful way to help you Trawl for Gold more regularly in your own life!