Quick video nudge from me and my twin sis

Here’s a quick video I recorded with my twin sister in my family garden today….we had been for a walk earlier and came across this gorgeous garden of daffodils and view just down the road from us.

The video says it all – it’s just over 2 minutes long and I hope, despite the very troubling times, it will raise a smile.

I also share an important message, which I have been sharing in my nudges for a good while now. 

The very nature that we are seeing spring back to life as the earth takes a breather lives in us too. We are not separate from the intelligence and resilience of nature, it naturally lives in us.

That is the most comforting thought for me, and I hope for you too. So when your mind starts to stir up (and we’re all experiencing that right now), my hope is you can take a breath, and rather look to your innate wisdom and resilience that is working away inside you, even if it might not feel like it.

Two quick pics of our cooking attempts!

While we’re spending our time in isolation, my sister (note not me … although I’ve promised I will give it a go …!?) has made this wonderful bread, and coffee cake. Lovely to be able to share the bread with our neighbours, and they very kindly shared their farm egg with us.

As I said in an Instagram post yesterday, I wouldn’t have wished this virus on anyone. But the kindness of neighbours and friends at this time has been so wonderful…people’s true nature at its very best and something to be forever appreciative of.

Please do share this with anyone who you feel could benefit from a friendly nudge, and a smile.

Sending much love to you and yours at this time.

All the best for now


PS Here’s a couple of other ways that I hope might help to raise your spirits, and particularly for those of you feeling especially anxious at this time…

1 My free Living in the Flow email series, a good introduction to this understanding I share about the nature of thought to help you experience greater peace of mind.

2 Check out my blog here ‘Trawl for Gold on The River where I share lots more on how to have a different relationship with your thoughts, and tap into your innate resilience and wisdom.