Wow where did July go? I spent a lot of it helping my twin sister and her husband pack up our home of 26 years, and boy if there was ever a case for de-clutter as you go, that proved it!?

A new path

Sad to shut the door on so many happy memories, but onwards and upwards as my Pa used to say!

It reminded me of an Instagram post I shared recently about following your own path, prompted by the pic I took above.

This lovely, natural break in the field reminded me of how strange it is that we ever think we must stay stuck on one path (or even in a particular house or moment in time) when the choices open to us are endless.

Always a better thought

Change can so often bring up all our insecurities and fears about the unknown. And yet the only thing that stops us embracing the moment is believing a thought that says we can’t handle it, or beliefs around needing to control what comes next … all just thought … and there’s always a better thought waiting to flow through if we let it. And it always does if we just get out of our own way, let our minds settle down and let life do its thing.

That’s my nudge for this scorching Friday if you’re in the UK!

Have a lovely weekend, and a great end of July Friday and start of August weekend.

All the best for now


PS If you’re currently feeling worried or stressed by these changing times we’re living through, then here’s a couple of nudges from the archives, which I hope you’ll find helpful.

A nudge about the way we think

What if it’s okay to not feel okay?