Well we’re over two weeks into the new decade already, and I hope the new year has got off to a good start for you.

Before the busyness takes over

Although I’m not a big proponent of resolutions, a part of my work I enjoy is allowing myself, and the people I work with, some space to reflect on what went well, or made us happy, in the previous year, and what we found less enjoyable. I don’t overthink this, but rather allow things to come to mind.

Then, depending on the feeling they evoke, I get a pretty good idea of what I want to experience more or less of going forward. Notice I’m not talking in terms of what worked or failed, which feels pressurised to me. Nor am I talking about creating a shopping lists of ‘shoulds’, which resolutions are so often based on. Rather, the simple test is do I feel naturally drawn to take action, or engage, in this or don’t I, and if not, I either drop it completely, or let it go for now knowing a natural momentum will strike when action just feels easier.

Three ‘P’ words that get in the way

Before I reveal the helpful ‘P’ word, there are three other words starting with P that can so often get in the way of this natural momentum I’m describing: procrastination, perfectionism and people pleasing. And I’ve experienced all three, although less so these days! I’d get an idea and often before I’d even taken a single action one of these would rear their head. Then I’d start dragging my heels or get so caught up in a story of why x or y wasn’t such a good idea after all that I’d end up doing nothing.

The helpful ‘P’ word

But that’s all changed these days now that I see all three of these words for what they really are: simply different labels for overthinking. And the P word that’s helped the most now whenever my thoughts start to go into overdrive is pause. Because to pause allows a space to open up before my thoughts take me off down a rabbit hole. I often refer to it as the space within the moment, or between thoughts, where it becomes easier to hear the call of those quieter nudges and rather follow those.

A bit more of a push

It’s all the potential to be gained from that pause that I’ve written about in my new e.book and am wanting to share in the Miraculous Book Club, which I wrote to you about on Friday. How much lighter and easier it feels to engage in life from that quieter space from which a different wisdom can be heard, versus our noisy, so often limited, personal thoughts!

I used to offer three coaching packages: a gentle nudge, a bit more of a push and a kick up the a***! You’d be surprised how often people said that they needed the latter! But for now, see this as a bit more of a push to check out the Miraculous Book Club – just click on the link and enter the password BOAT to see the details. I’d love you to join us, and any questions do just hit reply and ask away.

All the very best


PS We kick off on Monday 20 January so if you feel that inner nudge I hope you’ll follow it and trust in that natural momentum!